Category: Whitetail Stories
Whitetail deer hunting stories. DIY no games not gimmicks. Real hunters and their ultimate success stories!
What Triggers The Whitetail Rut?
by Eric Hall Trail camera pictures are lighting up with more and more mature bucks. Rubs and scrapes litter the landscape. It is only mid-October but…
Early Decisions in 2018 – Chasing Mr. Crabs!
by Eric Hall Meet Mr. Crabs. Not the restaurant owner from Sponge Bob, but a buck who has been around a few years and is…
Welcome to Whitetail OCD
Hello and welcome to Whitetail OCD! As I begin this journey I wanted to share a bit about me and what has brought me to…
Ohio Opening Weekend – Thoughts On Success
Opening day of the 2018 Ohio archery season was a success on multiple fronts for Whitetail OCD. I harvested on the opener for the first…
Stand Locations For Mature Bucks During the Rut
by Eric Hall Work smarter, not harder! We have all heard this before. As we age, this concept becomes clear and we begin to adapt…
What We Say and Do Matters – Thoughts On Living A Hunting Lifestyle In A Digital World.
by Eric Hall The world we live in has gotten smaller through social media. Everyone seems to know everything about everyone. Viral content spreads through…
Whitetail Buck Hard Horned Mania and Behavior!
by Eric Hall While I like seeing bucks in velvet, nothing beats when they shed it and go hard-horned. This is the first sign of…
Eight Months Later- A New Whitetail Season Begins! Anxiety or Excitement?
by Eric Hall The end of September will mark eight months since I last strolled through the whitetail world, bow in hand, pursuing these majestic…
5 Preseason Practice Tips
by Eric Hall There are very few absolutes when it comes to hunting whitetail deer. One that I will always stand by is the…
Exciting Whitetail Deer Plans for the 2018 Season!
By Eric Hall The 2018 hunting season brings with it a level of excitement that I have never experienced. This year, along with hunting my home…