Whitetail Hunting Hotlist – Week 1/20/2018
The Whitetail Hunting Hot List is a collection of news and stories gathered during the week as I feed my passion for whitetail deer. Below…
End of season thoughts
by Eric Hall Going into the last month of the season can be a shock to the system. Where did the past 3 months go? …
Product Review: X-Stand X-Pedition Tree Stand
X-Stand X-Pedition Hang On Stand Today I am reviewing the X-Pedition hang on tree stand from X-Stand Treestands. MSRP $202.00 Features of this stand: Pro-Lite…
Late season whitetails – it’s all about food
Fifteen feet up in my favorite stand with the cold wind biting into my exposed skin, I sit quietly above a lone food source. It…
Whitetail Hunting Hotlist – Week of 01/6/18
The Whitetail Hunting Hot List is a collection of news and stories gathered during the week as I feed my passion for whitetail deer. Below…
Holy COW!!! Tales from the 2017 Ohio Firearms Season Opening Day
by Eric Hall It was a “shotgun” start (literally) as the first shot echoed at 7 AM Monday, November 27, 2017. Ohio’s firearms season was…
Whitetail Hunting Hotlist week of 12/08
The Whitetail Hunting Hot List is a collection of news and stories gathered during the week as I feed my passion for whitetail deer. Below…
Hunting in a Winter Wonderland – Staying warm in late whitetail season
by Eric Hall Nothing stops deer season in its tracks like the inability to keep warm when the temperature dips well below freezing. Properly preparing…
Whitetail Hunting Hotlist week of 11/25
The Whitetail Hunting Hot List is a collection of news and stories gathered during the week as I feed my passion for whitetail deer. Below…
Thanksgiving Whitetails and Understanding the Rut Bell Curve
by Eric Hall In previous years, Thanksgiving would signal a transition of focus in my whitetail hunting. Ohio’s shotgun season opens on the Monday following…