Author: Eric Hall
Spring Food Plot Plans -Washed Up
I posted earlier my food plot plans for the 2019 hunting season. Mother Nature had other ideas and now I am forced to adjust as…
Fawn Recruitment and Coyotes
“Damn coyotes!” If I have uttered this phrase once, I have said it a thousand times! I do not hate coyotes themselves. I do however…
Whitetail Strategy- Not A Cookie Cutter Ideal
2 approaches with a common goal. Taking a look at whitetail strategy and now it differs between 2 hunters.
Chronic Wasting Disease & S.382/H.R. 837
Look at Chronic Wasting Disease and 2 partner bills aimed at understanding this fatal disease
Spring Food Plot Preparation
Spring greed up means planning for spring and summer food plots. Today we look at this year’s food plot plans.
Five Spring Projects to Jumpstart Your Whitetail Season
Now is the time to SPRING AHEAD of the upcoming whitetail season with these five projects!
My Answer To Why I Hunt Whitetail Deer
Why do I hunt whitetail deer? It is a question that I have been asked on numerous occasions. I consider this question myself at times….
What Doesn’t Kill Them…Makes Us Stronger
Never made a mistake in the woods then STOP READING. For the rest of us teachable moments abound in the whitetail world!.
5 “Mulligans” from the 2018 Whitetail Season
5 Things I would do different If I could have a mulligan for the 2018 whitetail season.
Poaching – A View From The Tree Stand
Recently an Ohio hunter was convicted of poaching a giant whitetail deer. He was fined $28,000 for shooting a 26 point buck! Because the hunter…